I see the blind,
leading the blind.
My heart is grieved,
I can’t help but mind…

Grievous wolves entering in…
dressed as sheep
but perverted within.

For all this perversion
the Lord is blamed…
So many wrongs are
done in His name.

Ear’s are tickled,
with flattering speech.
The word of the cross
is rarely ever preached.

The great I AM
is knocking at the door…
Listen to His voice,
ignore Him no more!

By Jesse Larsen, September 19, 2004

Note: I can not write a poem at just any time… it must be inspired. And this poem is based on things that I have observed in the churches and internet forums over these past couple of years, but it is also inspired from many Scriptures, such as Acts 20:27-31, 2 Peter 2:1-2, 2 Timothy 4:3-4 and Revelation 3:20. I hope that God will use it to speak to peoples hearts.

Is Apostasy Possible? By Roger Oakland

God’s Word Shines Light Upon End Times Apostasy, by Roger Oakland

10 Things to Ponder – Pathway to Apostasy, by Roger Oakland

Being a Christian Can be Frustrating, by Roger Oakland

Revival or Apostasy? By Dave Hunt

Modern Day Apostasy posing as Revival Part 1 - Dave Hunt (You Tube video)

Modern Day Apostasy posing as Revival Part 2 - Dave Hunt (You Tube video)

The Current End-Time Apostasy of the Church - Part 1, by Dave Hunt

The Current End-Time Apostasy of the Church - Part 2, by Dave Hunt

The Current End-Time Apostasy of the Church - Part 3, by Dave Hunt

The Perfect Storm of Apostasy, by Mary Danielsen

The Perfect Spiritual Storm Looming, by T.A. McMahon

Apostasy and Its Antidote, by T.A. McMahon

The Only Antidote: The Power of the Spirit, by T.A. McMahon

Fellowship: Fortification Against Apostasy, by T.A. McMahon

The Emerging Apostasy, by T.A. McMahon (Video)

Apostasy Update, by T.A. McMahon (Video)

The Perfect Storm Looming: Its Past, Present, and Perilous Effects Part 1, by T.A. McMahon (Video)

The Perfect Storm Looming: Its Past, Present, and Perilous Effects Part 2, by T.A. McMahon (Video)

Staying the Course through the Apostasy, by T.A. McMahon (Video)

Making Sure We Are Staying The Course, by T.A. McMahon (Video)

Rob Congdon - Stop Stupid! Lawlessness and Apostasy in the Church (Video)


Who Are The 'Grievous Wolves' That Paul Warned About? (Radio Show) - Click here for the You Tube version.

Apostasy in The Church, with G. Richard Fisher, Part 1 (Radio show)

Apostasy in The Church, with G. Richard Fisher, Part 2 (Radio show)

Apostasy, by Warren Smith - Part 1 (You Tube Video)

Apostasy, by Warren Smith - Part 2 (You Tube Video)

Apostasy, by Warren Smith - Part 3 (You Tube Video)

Apostasy Must Come First, by Roger Oakland (You Tube video)

Proclaiming The Gospel In The Midst Of Last Days Apostasy, by Roger Oakland (You Tube Video)

An Old Testament Perspective of the Present New Testament Apostasy - Roger Oakland (You Tube Video) - Click here for session 2.

The Perfect Spiritual Storm Looming, by T.A. McMahon

Anti-Christianity Ascending - Part 1, by T.A. McMahon

Anti-Christianity Ascending - Part 2, by T.A. McMahon

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Do You Have a Love For The Truth? (This is one of my articles)

The Most Overlooked Sign of The Times (This is one of my articles)

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