Judgment Day Radio Series
Judgment Day Radio Series

The following is a series of radio shows based on Dave Hunt's book titled Judgment Day! Islam, Israel And The Nations. It is also available to buy as an audio book. You can find the audio book available to listen to for free on You Tube through this link. These radio broadcast links were taken from The Berean Call.

Is There A War Between Allah And Yahweh?

Is God Setting The Stage?

Why Would God Bring All Nations Against Israel?

What Is The Real Cause Of Anti-semitism?

What Is The Solution To Hatred Of The Jews?

How Do We Know The Jews Inherited Israel?

The Truth About Palestine

Is Jerusalem A Muslim Holy Place?

Terrorism's Pagan Islamic Foundation

Do Christianity And Islam Have A Lot In Common?

Hatred's Peace

Is Saudi Arabia The Model Of Islam?

Facing Some Hard Facts

Facing Some Hard Facts - Part Two

Facing Some Hard Facts - Part Three

Does Israel Mistreat The Palestinians?

Were The Oslo Accords a Hoax?

Islam's Legacy Of Death & Western Blindness

Does Prophecy Validate The Bible?

What Is The Promise Of Restoration?

Are Christians The True Friends Of Israel?

Is God's Selection Of A Special People Intolerance?

Does Islam Offer Salvation?

Does The World Need A Messiah?

Is Man A Cancer On The Earth?

Why Is The Al Aqsa Mosque So Important?

What Does The Future Hold For Israel?

Is Armageddon Inevitable?

How Close Are We?

Is God Regathering The Jews?

What Does "Antichrist" Mean?

A Potpourri Of Appendices

7 Reasons Why The Jews Have Sole Claim To Israel

This series of radio shows is also available to buy on CD or MP3 disc. You can also click here for more of The Berean Call's radio segments.

A New Day of Infamy, by Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon (Radio Show)

Judgment Day Approaching, by Dave Hunt (Excerpted from Judgment Day)

A You Tube Video About Judgment Day, by Dave Hunt

Judgment Day Audio Book on You Tube

Israel, Islam and Armageddon, by Dave Hunt (You Tube Video)

Islam and the Nations, by Dave Hunt (You Tube Video)

Judgment, by Dave Hunt (You Tube Video)

Dave Hunt Discusses Islam With Chuck Crismier On 'Viewpoint' (Radio show)

Islamization of Europe (Interview With David James - MP3)

Al-Qaeda Enjoys A Revival In Afghanistan – And Its New Leader Is Heard

Palestinians Attempt to Co-Opt Jewish History

False Claims by “Palestinians”

How Palestinian Leaders Are Deceiving Americans

Palestinians Again Admit Their Goal is to Destroy Israel [Excerpts]

Palestinian Students Make Outrageous Short Film Glorifying Stabbing and Shooting Jews

‘Palestinian’ School-Lessons: Muslim Children ‘Shown How To Stab A Jew’

Kids at Philadelphia Islamic Center Sing 'We Will Chop Off Their Heads' For Allah

Palestinian Terror Wave: Brutal Attacks Escalate

Why Palestinians Prefer To Work In Israel

Palestinian School Magazine Calls for ‘Armed Struggle’ Against ‘Israeli Monster’

Islamic Indoctrination 101

The Palestinians No One Talks About

Criminal Case Against Muslim Who Tried to Kill Jews Suspended

Report: UN Officials Incite Murder of Jews, Call to “Stab Zionist Dogs”

The Dark Side of The UN, by Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon (Radio Show on You Tube)

United States to UN Human Rights Council: End chronic anti-Israel bias to have any credibility

The UN is rationalizing the slaughter of Jews

The Palestinian Authority Murder Incentive Fund

Palestinian "Pay-For-Slay"

The Palestinians' Other Jihad Against Israel

Islamic scholar: ‘The Jews are not the enemies of the Palestinians alone,’ but ‘of humanity as a whole’


News Alert About Hamas [Excerpts]


Hamas: Ceasefire Allows Us to Prepare for Future Battle to Destroy Israel

Hamas Begs Iran for Help to Destroy Israel

Hamas in America: How Terrorists Infiltrated The U.S, Their Plans, & Allies (#1) - (You Tube Video)

Hamas in America: The Lie There Was Once A Palestinian State (You Tube Video)

Hamas, Thirty-Two Years Later

Hamas Also Slaughters Muslims

IDF Soldier Gives On-The-Ground Perspective From Israel (Video)

Hamas and Genocide in Israel

The Selective Outrage of Pro-Hamas Supporters

Whenever Israel Fights Back, It is Accused of ‘Escalation’

“Death to America”: Chant Dearborn Hamas Supporters Courted by Biden

Getting PBS Hate Out of the Classroom

The Media Ignores Hamas’ Holding of Hostages and Hezbollah’s Attacks on Israel

Media Rebrands Oct 7 Terror Celebrations as “Pro-Palestinian Rallies"

UC Berkeley Study Explains Why It's Wrong to Defend Muslim Women

Human Rights Watch's Jihad Against Israel

Why Are Palestinians Dying in Hamas Prisons?

World Vision's Gaza Manager Funneled Millions to Hamas: Israel

Christian Charity "Stands By" Its Terror-Funding Official

"That Is Not The Same God”: Personal Trainer Who Stopped Muslim Terrorist

Arabs: "Westerners Must Stop Appeasing Islamists"

Arabs Warn West: Do Not Let Iran Fool You

The West's Long Demonization of Israel

Sbarro Terrorists Have Received $910,823 in Pay-For-Slay Funds

Netanyahu: World is silent in face of rocket attacks on Israel

Lebanon Hosts Terrorists, Points Massive Arsenal at Israel, Then Complains When Israel Defends Itself

Pro-Palestinian Cornell group tells Israeli student ‘quit complaining’ about rocket attacks

Terror Against Israel, by Tony Pearce

Khamenei: The Only Cure for Israel is its Annihilation

Iran's Khamenei: 'Increasing global hatred of Israel is a sign of divine help'

Top Khamenei Advisor: We Have Divine Permission to Destroy Israel

Iran’s Khamenei hails his people for demanding death to America and Israel

Iran publishes book on how to outwit US and destroy Israel

Khamenei's New Book Preaches Hatred And Annihilation of America

A Florida Imam Threatens The Annihilation of All Jews (Video)

Biden Pardons Iranian Terrorist and Spy (Video)

The Poisonous Fruit of Appeasing Iran's Mullahs

Biden Admin and EU Silent on Iran's Rising Persecution of Religious Minorities

'Defeating Israel means defeating the US,' Canada, EU -Palestinian activists

A warning to America and Israel from an ex Muslim (You Tube Video)

The Greatest Islamophobia Hoax in America Exposed

Child bride warns the West "When Islam comes, it conquers and it has no mercy"

Israel must be annihilated, top Iranian official declares

Iran on Israel: ‘We Are Going to Destroy Them’

Iranian Backed Palestinian Terrorists Celebrate Jerusalem Bus Bombing

The Great Deception March on Gaza's Border

The Vilification of Israel (You Tube Video)

Whose Land Is It? (You Tube Video)

Israel's Right to the Land (Playlist on You Tube)

Saudi Crown Prince: Jews Have a Right to Their Own Land

The Removal of Israel Wouldn't Alter the Basic Crisis in the Middle East

Arabs: Israel Is Not Our Enemy


Israel—A Burdensome Stone to the Nations and the Apple of God’s Eye, by Mike Oppenheimer

Jerusalem - The Capital of Israel, by Roger Oakland

Why the True Site of the Temple Is Important

UK: Labour party passes motion to define Israel as ‘apartheid state,’ impose sanctions

Twenty Palestinians Arrested in Connection with Attack on Israeli Children

Pro-Palestinian ‘Protesters’ Firebomb Synagogue in Gothenburg, Sweden Following Trump’s Announcement on Jerusalem

Pakistani Muslim Joins Zionist Movement

Islam’s Takeover of Jerusalem Has Global Implications

Boycott, Sanctions and Divestment's Binding Ties With Terrorists

Riba u-turn over Israel boycott: 'We got it wrong'

The nice ISIS Jihadist next door

Toward a Jihadist Caliphate

Hezbollah leader: Obama did, indeed, found ISIS

Pro-ISIS and Devout Muslims Rush to Celebrate NYC Bombing: "We Casue Your Pain Inside Your House" - A Weekend of Coincidences

UK: Muslims screaming “this is for Allah” murder 7 at FIVE locations in London

Canada: University Uses Critical Race Theory to Fight ‘Islamophobia’

Islam And The Gospel, by Dave Hunt

Islam's Peace, by Dave Hunt

The Cost of Leaving Islam

An Islamic Scholar’s Telling Admission

Ministry to Muslims With Elijah Abraham, Part 1 (Radio Interview)

Ministry to Muslims With Elijah Abraham, Part 2 (Radio Interview)

Obama is importing Muslims, deporting Christians

Islamist Mob Burns Christian Church to the Ground in Cameroon

Left Wing "Diversity" vs. Muslims and Their "Customs"

More Public Schools Promoting Islam

Christian minister James White has “kindred spirit” in jihadi imam Yasir Qadhi

James White, Islam and Interfaith Dialogue (Playlist on You Tube)

Robert Spencer Wins Debate on Islam (Radio interview) - Click here for the debate.

James White’s Islamic “Mentor” Yasir Qadhi Works With Muslim, Linda Sarsour, Who Just Called For Jihad Against President Donald Trump

Linda Sarsour’s jihad against Trump: here’s why she really is inciting violence

Memphis imam Yasir Qadhi raises money for Islamic charity linked to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood

Sham Interfaith Group Partners with CAIR, Features Anti-Semite

Counter-Terrorism: How The UN Finances Islamic Terrorism

Confirmed: Islam, Not ‘Grievances,’ Fuels Muslim Hate for the West

Video: Robert Spencer on Facebook’s censorship of criticism of Islam

Muslim in Sweden appealed for donations for ISIS for two years on Facebook, his account was not deleted

Google refuses to remove Sharia woman-tracking app

Now It's Official: Europeans Can't Criticize Islam

Classified Report Reveals 150 Islamist No-Go Zones in France

Muslims Inadvertently Call For Ban on Islam

Our New Muslim Representatives

Tlaib Chooses BDS Promotion Over Her Grandmother

Muslim Evangelism Goes Public in Minnesota

Schools pushing the envelope on Islamic proselytization

Muslim Brotherhood Subversion vs. Jihadist Rage

Jihadi Jailbirds

Muslim Prof. Claims Islamic Scholars Have Placed ‘Too Much Emphasis on Jihad As Violent'

Understanding Jihad's Resurgence

The Jihadist Genocide of Christians in Nigeria Intensifies

Jihad vs. Civilization

As a Canadian Imam Calls for Jihad in Muhammad’s Name, a Tough Question Must Be Asked

Jihad Watch

Anti-Israel Hate on American Campuses

Campus Campaign Threatens, Smears pro-Israel Students

SJP Hate Group Fights for Right to Harass Jews at UCLA

Stanford Pro-Palestine Group Vandalizes College Republicans' Flyers With Anti-Semitic Cartoons

Anti-Semitism Scandal Hits McMaster University

At Columbia, the Antisemitic Plot Thickens

"Anti-Racism" Rally in Berlin Calls for Destruction of Israel

Former DHS Official Exposes Antisemitism of Linda Sarsour & Ilhan Omar (Video)

Jew-Hatred Exposed at University of Minnesota During National Students for Justice in Palestine Conference

Examples of Anti-Semitism on Campuses Abound

American Jews Enabling Anti-Semitism

Lies of Fake Palestine to Justify Anti-Semitism (You Tube Video)

Europe: Anti-Israel Protests Descend into Anti-Semitism

Social Media Censoring Everything But Anti-Semitism

The New Antisemitism, by Andy Woods & Olivier Melnick (Video)

Islam Is Biased Toward Arabs. Why?

The Qur’an or the Bible—Which One Has the Authentic Account? By Tony Pearce

A Cup of Trembling, by Dave Hunt - Click here for the book

Israel and Prophetic Proof - Part 1, by Dave Hunt

Israel and Prophetic Proof - Part 2, by Dave Hunt

The New Inquisition, by Dave Hunt

Defying The God of Israel, by Dave Hunt (Video)

How Will ALL Nations Come Against Israel, by Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon (Radio Broadcast on You Tube)

Excerpts from chapter 4 of Judgement Day, by Dave Hunt

Excerpts from chapter 5 of Judgment Day, by Dave Hunt

False Peace, Then Destruction, by Dave Hunt (Another excerpt from Judgement Day)


PLO Topedoing Peace Vote to Not Recognize Israel

A Rising Tide of Jew Hatred Today, by Dave Hunt (Another excerpt from Judgment Day)

Fascist Jew-Haters, Left and Right

Mainstreaming Jew Hatred In America

Biden To Jewish Americans: Israel's Your Only Home [Excerpts]

The Jews Must Return to Their Land

The Ongoing Fulfillment of God’s Promise to Israel! By Jeff Wallace

The American Inquisition

Antisemitism on rise across Europe 'in worst times since the Nazis'

European Anti-Semitism 'Has Reached Critical Mass,' Expert Warns

Antisemitism is a threat to Europe and the freedoms it took centuries to achieve

UK needs to take urgent action over anti-Semitism, lawmakers say

Anti-Semitic Hate Crime Reports Have Soared In UK, Police Figures Reveal

Violent Anti-Semitic Crimes in UK Increase 50%

British Anti-Semitism rises to record levels

Anti-Semitism in US Spikes after Nearly a Decade of Decline

Germany sees 25.2% rise in anti-Semitic crime in 2014

German students wearing Nazi costumes attack Jews in Argentina

History repeating itself in Germany

Anti-Semitic incidents reach all-time high in Canada

Anti-Semitism At The 2016 Olympics Is Completely Out Of Control

Israeli’s At 2016 Olympic Games Suffer Shocking Hostility And Taunting By Muslim Athletes

Israeli UN Envoy: Jew-Hatred At ‘Highest Level of Our Lifetimes’

2020 Dems Stand With J Street, Hamas and ISIS Against Israel

Elizabeth Warren Threatens Israel (You Tube Video)

Top 10 Anti-Semitic Stories of 2019 (You Tube Video)

Islamic Society of North America Called Out for Fomenting Violence Against Jews

Columbia U: Pro-Hamas Protesters Call for Killing of Jewish Students, Praise Jihad Murderers

Jew-Hate and 'Inquisitions' in Canada

Threat of Arrest for Walking While Jewish?

Progressives and the Cost of Anti-Semitism

Two Muslim Arabs Beat 88-Year-Old French Jewish Woman

Why Karl Marx Hated Jews

WHY THE WORLD HATES ISRAEL. Revelation 12:13-17, by Andy Woods (You Tube Video)

Robert Spencer on Islam and The War on Israel (Video)


Why millions of Muslims are seeing apparitions of the Mother Mary

Catholicism and Islam: Ties That Bind, by T. A. McMahon

Pope Francis and Islamic Terrorism

Vatican Recognizes ‘Palestine’ Despite Desecration of Holy Sites, by Aaron Klein

'Pope can't rewrite Bible - Jesus was a Jew from Judea, not Palestinian,' Christian leader says

Italy: Catholic Diocese Urges Faithful to Participate in Islamic Prayers During Ramadan

Are Yahweh and Allah the Same God? Part 1 (Radio Interview)

Are Yahweh and Allah the Same God? Part 2 (Radio Interview)

Chrislam? Christian Palestinianism?? By T. A. McMahon

Chrislam – The Blending Together of Islam & Christianity, by Mike Oppenheimer

Are Christians Being Spiritually Deceived By Islam? (Video)


Christian Palestinianism, by Paul Wilkinson (Video)

Christian Palestinianism and the Anti-Israel Church, by Paul Wilkinson (You Tube Video)


Palestinians: The Problem with 'Peace'

Jesus The Palestinian...Really?

More on Chrislam

Paul Wilkinson on Search The Scriptures 24/7 - Part 1 (Radio Show)

Paul Wilkinson on Search The Scriptures 24/7 - Part 2 (Radio Show)

Paul Wilkinson on Search The Scriptures 24/7 - Part 3 (Radio Show)

Paul Wilkinson on Search The Scriptures 24/7 - Part 4 (Radio Show)

What Is Christian Palestinianism? with Paul Wilkinson - Part 1 (Radio Show)

What Is Christian Palestinianism? with Paul Wilkinson - Part 2 (Radio Show)

What Is Christian Palestinianism? with Paul Wilkinson - Part 3 (Radio Show)

What Is Christian Palestinianism? with Paul Wilkinson - Part 4 (Radio Show)

What Is Christian Palestinianism? with Paul Wilkinson - Part 5 (Radio Show)

New Christian Zionists Seek Distance From 'Wild, Crazy Popular Apocalypticism'

Understanding Christian Zionism, by Paul Wilkinson - Excerpted from this book.

Zionism: What it is and is not, by Olivier Melnick (You Tube Video)

Dave Hunt - Israel: What's Biblical and What's Not Biblical (Video)

Why the Resurgence of Anti-Semitism? Part 1, by T.A. McMahon and Randal Price (Radio Show)

Why the Resurgence of Anti-Semitism? Part 2, by T.A. McMahon and Randal Price (Radio Show)

Prophets Who Prophesy Lies In My Name: Christian Palestinianism and the anti-israel Crusade, by Paul Wilkinson

"Zionism Unsettled" guide removed from Presbyterian website


Is The Church The New Israel? Part 1, by Andy Woods (You Tube video)

Is The Church The New Israel? Part 2 by Andy Woods (You Tube video)

God of Jacob, God of Israel (Part 1), by Dave Hunt

God of Jacob, God of Israel (Part 2), by Dave Hunt

God's Not Done With The Jewish People, by Gary Kah

Problems with Replacement Theology, by Andy Woods (You Tube video)

I Will Build My Church, by Dave Hunt (Audio newsletter)

Berean Call Page On Islam

Berean Call Page On Israel

Mike Oppenheimer's Page On Islam

Muslims to Christians: 'We're coming for you'

Bible Prophecy

"Noah Found Grace", by Dave Hunt

Judgment Day (CD)

Lest We Forget (DVD)

In Defense of Israel (DVD) - Click here to preview.

The New Barbarians: Training Children To Kill (DVD)

The Child Soldiers of Jihad

In Europe, Muslims Trying to Kill Jews is a Mental Illness

The Last Days, Islam & Israel - Conflict of the Ages (DVD) - Click here to preview.

Islam and Prophecy, by Randall Price (DVD)

Prophecy as Proof, by Dave Hunt (Order on CD or MP3 disc)

When Will Jesus Come? By Dave Hunt

Countdown To The Second Coming, by Dave Hunt

Mid-East Prophecy Update By J.D. Farag – July 9th, 2017 (You Tube Video)