The following links will play a series of radio shows based on Dave Hunt's book titled Countdown To The Second Coming. These radio broadcast links were taken from The Berean Call.
Is the Church Being Setup for the Antichrist?
What's the Difference Between Jews and Gentiles
Does the Bible Contain God's Plan for Humanity?
More Key Events in the History of Mankind
Does the Bible Write History in Advance?
Is the Antichrist Living Among Us?
Will Christ Really Rule For A Thousand Years?
What Could Be Worse Than Death?
Will the Roman Empire Be Revived?
How Do We Know If We're in the Last Days?
Is the World Getting Ready for the Son of Perdition?
Is Psychology a Sign of the Last Days?
How Do You Know if a Sign or Wonder is False?
When Will Our Hope Be Realized?
Are You Ready For Christ's Return?
That radio series is also available on CD or MP3 disc. Here are some more prophecy related links....
Harold Camping's Prediction (This is one of my articles)
My Thoughts On Rapture Predictions (One of my articles)
What Does "Antichrist" Mean? By Dave Hunt And T.A. McMahon (Radio Broadcast on You Tube)
Christ and Antichrist, by Dave Hunt
The Ultimate Falsehood (Excerpted from Countdown To The Second Coming)
The Standard and Power (Excerpted from Countdown To The Second Coming)
Dave Hunt: The Second Coming of Christ (Video)
Prophecy Run Amok, by T.A. McMahon
Prophecy Run Amok 2: Fearmongering, by T.A. McMahon
The Serious Abuse of Prophecy, by T.A. McMahon and Dave James - Part 1 (Radio Show)
The Serious Abuse of Prophecy, by T.A. McMahon and Dave James - Part 2 (Radio Show)
The Importance of Hermeneutics - Interview With David James (MP3)
Prophecy in Crisis: Postmodern Prophetic Paradigm - Interview With David James (MP3)
Speculation and sensationalism: Prophecy teachers gone wild - Interview with David James (MP3)
Prophecy: Christ's first and second comings (Interview with David James - MP3)
A Women Rides The Beast: The Roman Catholic Church And The Last Days
How Will ALL Nations Come Against Israel, by Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon (Radio Broadcast on You Tube)
False Peace, Then Destruction, by Dave Hunt
The Necessity of Understanding Biblical Eschatology Part 1, by T.A. McMahon (You Tube video)
The Necessity of Understanding Biblical Eschatology Part 2, by T.A. McMahon (You Tube video)
Global Peace And The Rise of Antichrist, by Dave Hunt
The Signs And Wonders Movement Exposed
Signs of The Times, by Roger Oakland (Playlist on You Tube)
Pre- or Post-Trib Rapture? By Dave Hunt
The Pre-tribulation Rapture (This is one of my articles)
Tommy Ice on Search The Scriptures 24/7, Part 1 (Radio Show)
Tommy Ice on Search The Scriptures 24/7, Part 2 (Radio Show)
What about the Rapture? with Thomas Ice - Part 1 (Radio Show)
What about the Rapture? with Thomas Ice - Part 2 (Radio Show)
Knowing the End from the Beginning, with Thomas Ice - Part 1 (Radio Show)
Knowing the End from the Beginning, with Thomas Ice - Part 2 (Radio Show)
The Expectation of His Return, by H.A. Ironside
The Coming Global Transformation (MP3 Disc)
You can click here to read the first chapter of this book, and you can click here to read chapter 12. This one is also available as an audio book on CD and MP3 disc.
This one is a discussion of the rapture doctrine.
This is another discussion of the rapture doctrine.
You can click here to get it on CD instead of an MP3 disc. This audio presentation is a drama based on actual recent news events and the fulfillment of last days Bible prophecy. You can click here for some previews of it.