The Shack and It's New Age Leaven, by Warren Smith
The Shack and a New Age View of the Trinity, by Mike Oppenheimer
What's At The Back of The Shack? A Look At William, P. Young's The Shack, by Marcia Montenegro
Refashioning God, by T.A. McMahon
Excerpts of a review by James B. De Young, Western Theological Seminary
The Shack Author Says: "The God of Evangelical Christianity is a Monster."
Should 'The Shack' Be Attacked? By Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon (Podcast) - Click here for the video.
The Shack "Bible Project" [Excerpts]
The Shack Author Rejects Biblical Substitutionary Atonement, by John Lanagan
The Shack’s Author William Paul Young on Substitutionary Atonement
In Case You Still Aren’t Sure About The Shack and It's Author . . .
Upcoming Shack movie could outweigh harm of the original novel
Fractal Theory in The Shack ( “I love fractals, so I put them everywhere.”)
Podcast: Marcia Montenegro Talks with Steve Kozar About The Shack
Should I listen to haters who hate The Shack? By Amy Spreeman
Examining 'The Shack' - Pastor Chris Quintana (You Tube video)
Putting God in a Shack, by Gary E. Gilley (PDF file)
When People Say, “But The Shack is Just a Novel!” By Warren Smith
Staying Outside The Shack, by Roger Patterson
Apostasy & Lies: Will Fans of ‘The Shack’ Care? (Podcast)
Why Are Christians Flocking to The Shack? Part 1, with T.A. McMahon and David James (Podcast)
Why Are Christians Flocking to The Shack? Part 2, with T.A. McMahon and David James (Podcast)
Artist ‘Deeply Regrets’ Designing ‘Shack’ Cover, Says A Loving God Must “Judge”, by Will Maule
SHACK THEOLOGY: Universalism, TBN, Oprah, and the New Age, by Warren B. Smith
Mother Goddess of The Shack and AA’s “higher power”
Warren B Smith - The Shack and Its New Age Leaven (You Tube Video)
Another Shack Betrayal: A Cat Named Judas
The Berean Call's Resources on The Shack
More Resources on The Shack - Lighthouse Trails
Former new ager Warren B. Smith has also addressed The Shack in one part of his book titled A "Wonderful" Deception.
What Is Quantum Spirituality? Part 1, by T.A. McMahon and Larry DeBruyn (Podcast)
What Is Quantum Spirituality? Part 2, by T.A. McMahon and Larry DeBruyn (Podcast)
Warren Smith - Shack, Message & Purpose Driven (You Tube Video)
Problems With The Message (One of my articles)
The Universal[ism] Drift, by T.A. McMahon
Wm. Paul Young Teaches New Age “Lie of Separation” on TBN, by Warren Smith
The Shack author: Now Jesus is pregnant with Adam in Paul Young’s book Eve
The Shack author brings new “Reformation” to the church
Did The Shack Writer Write This?
Exposing the Quantum Lie, by Bob DeWaay and Warren Smith (4 DVD set) - Click here to preview.
WIDE IS THE GATE - The Emerging New Christianity, Volume 1 (DVD)
WIDE IS THE GATE: The Emerging New Christianity, Volume 2 (DVD)
WIDE IS THE GATE: The Emerging New Christianity, Volume 3 (2 DVD's)