The following video is from a DVD by Dave Hunt titled Cosmos, Creator And Human Destiny. The video is an introduction and summery of Dave Hunt's book with the same title, which is a response to "the new atheists". You can click here to order a similar presentation on CD, and you can click here to order the book. You can also get the kindle edition of this book through this link.
A Preview of Cosmos, Creator And Human Destiny (PDF)
The Berean Call's Resourses On Creation And Evolution
The Berean Call's Resources on Atheism
More Resources on Creation - Eternal Productions
Another Page on Creation and Evolution - From The Lighthouse
From Physics to Metaphysics – The “Evolution” of Evolution, by Roger Oakland
Evolution of Man: From Ida to Us - What Are The Facts? By Carl Kerby (You Tube video)
Something from Nothing! And You Think We Have a Problem? By Carl Kerby (You Tube video)
God vs. Nothing, by Carl Kerby (You Tube video)
Can Scientists Replace God With Nothing?
Debunked: The Fossil Record Proves Evolution (You Tube video)
Who Created Evolution? Carl Kerby And T.A. McMahon - Part 1 (Radio Show)
Who Created Evolution? Carl Kerby And T.A. McMahon - Part 2 (Radio Show)
Reasons For Hope (Carl Kerby's site)
Settled Science on Evolution and History?
Rewriting the History of Science
Jay Seegert - Must Christianity Bow to "Settled Science"? (Video)
Does theistic evolution take away the need for God?
Evolution and What the Image of God Is Not
Evolution a Replacement Religion?
More on Evolution as a Religion
‘Flattened by the evolution steamroller’?!
Biological Control - It's Not Evolution
How Evolution Leads to Dictatorship
Evolutionist: it’s OK to deceive students to believe evolution
‘Increasingly Aggressive’ Atheists Target Children in New Evolution-Promoting Book
Richard Dawkins is Releasing a Children's Atheist Book
Do you believe Richard Dawkins exists?
World-famous atheist loves attributes of Christian faith he loves to mock
Atheists Affirming Christianity?
Can atheism possibly explain morality and reason?
Famed Yale computer science professor quits believing Darwin’s theories
Physics professor: ‘Chance of life originating on its own by natural processes is zero’
Institute For Creation Research
Creation Ministries International
Creation Witnessing, by T.A. McMahon
In Defense of the Faith, by Dave Hunt
Seeking And Finding God, by Dave Hunt
Cosmos and Creator, by Dave Hunt
Why Everything Is The Way It Is, by Dave Hunt
The Only True God, by Dave Hunt
Cosmos, Creator, and Human Destiny (Part 1), by Dave Hunt
Cosmos, Creator, and Human Destiny (Part 2), by Dave Hunt
Destroying the Delusion of Darwin and Dawkins, by Dave Hunt
Confusion in the World of Natural Selection, by Dave Hunt
Atheism, Israel, and the Virgin Birth, by Dave Hunt
Darwinism Versus the Octopus: An Evolutionary Dilemma
Chilean Earthquake Highlights Darwin Error
Darwin's Finches: No Proof of Evolution
The BBC TV series Darwin’s Dangerous Idea
Moth Fossils Pester Insect Evolution
Indian Kangaroo Pictographs Challenge Evolution
Rapid Chernobyl Adaptations Surprise Evolutionists
Animal Features Did Not Evolve
Brain Disappoints Evolutionary Thoughts
Two Excuses for Human Evolution Confusion
Trilobite conga line vs evolutionary timeline
Evolution In The Information Age
Debunked: Evolution is Fact (You Tube Video)
Does Recent Research Support Human Evolution?
Evolution's Hypothetical Last Universal Common Ancestor
Do Mosquito's Evolving Resistance to Pesticides Prove Evolution? (You Tube Video)
Does the Fossil Record Prove Evolution? (You Tube Video)
The Power of God’s Design, by Mark Cahill
The Marvelous CHICKEN EGG, by Jobe Martin
The Evolution of a Creationist, by Jobe Martin
Science stunner! 'Missing link' for 150 years and now it isn't?
Evolutionary Embarrassment: Part of Famous ‘Ape-Man’ Skeleton Actually Came from Baboon
Mammalian Brains Prove Evolutionary Disconnect
The Despair of Stephen Hawking's Inconsistencies
Human Evolution Re-Written Yet Again
One of Evolution’s Most Famous Stories Gets a Rewrite
More Unique Human Genes Defy Evolution Narrative
The deep inconsistency of evolutionism, revealed amid the COVID-19 crisis
Fossil Insect Predation Shows No Evidence of Evolution
Blood – Another Masterpiece of Design
Can a Merciful God Create Parasites?
Creation Versus Evolution: Things They Never Told You, by Maria Kneas
Evolutionary Acceptance and Misinformation
Darwin’s Abiogenesis: Lies for Public Consumption
Jurassic World LIES (You Tube Video)
Amazing preservation: Three birds in a dinosaur!
Birds' Unique Leg Structure Says No Evolution
Did Dinosaurs Come with or without Feathers?
Dinosaur Eggs Not Bird-Like After All
New Bird Fossil Doesn't Fit Evolutionary Story
New Evidence Hurts Feathered Dinosaur Theory
Separating fact from fiction in a farcical story!
New Chip Genome Confirms Creationist Research
Komodo Dragon Genome Bites Evolution
Human-Chimp DNA Similarity Research Refutes Evolution
Why the Elephant is Losing its tusks (and it’s not evolution!)
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed (Documentary on You Tube)
Reiss resigns as Royal Society stifles debate on evolution
Strawman and bandwagon fallacies
There Is No Evidence For God - Debunked (You Tube Video)
Archeological and historical evidence of Biblical accuracy, by Andy and Berit Kjos
101 Scientific Facts & Foreknowledge
Evolution vs. God (Online video) - Here is a related article and video.
The Atheist Delusion (Online video) - Q & A video
Is Nihilism The Logical End of Atheism?
Atheists Rethinking Christianity
A Question of Origins (You Tube Video)
A Question of Origins (Article)
The Mysteries of Origins Solved
Answers to Three Key Questions about Creation and Evolution, by Randy Guliuzza (Video)
Getting from Darwin to Engineered Biology, by Randy Guliuzza (Video)
Oldest Fossil Flower Bud and Branch Discovered
Genesis: Bible authors believed it to be history
Resurrection, by Dave Hunt (You Tube video)
The Overlooked Absolute Proof for Everything, by Dave Hunt (You Tube video)
Why Everything Is The Way It Is, by Dave Hunt (You Tube video)
What is The Purpose of Our Existence? By Dave Hunt (You Tube video)
Startling Proofs (You Tube Video) - Click here for the DVD.
Was ancient man smarter than we are today? Don Chittick and T.A. McMahon (Radio Show)
How did they build the pyramids? Don Chittick and T.A. McMahon (Radio Show)
Creation in Six Days...Impossible? Jay Seegert and T.A. McMahon - Part 1 - From 2014 (Radio Show)
Creation in Six Days...Impossible? Jay Seegert and T.A. McMahon - Part 2 - From 2014 (Radio Show)
Creation in Six Days...Impossible? Jay Seegert and T.A McMahon - Part 1 - From 2015 (Radio Show)
Creation in Six Days...Impossible? Jay Seegert and T.A McMahon - Part 2 - From 2015 (Radio Show)
The Age of the Earth — Does it Really Matter? - Part One, by Jay Seegert
The Age of the Earth — Does it Really Matter? - Part Two, by Jay Seegert
Do Christians Need to Believe in a Young Earth?
Does the Gospel Depend on a Young Earth?
Are You a Creationolutionist? Jay Seegert and T.A McMahon - Part 1 (Radio Show)
Are You a Creationolutionist? Jay Seegert and T.A McMahon - Part 2 (Radio Show)
Creation vs Evolution: The Cases from Science, by Jay Seegert (Video)
Scientific Evidence for the Inspiration of the Bible, by Jay Seegert (Video)
This Changes All: Flood in the Book of Genesis, by Jay Seegert (Video)
Christianity, Logic and Science, by Jay Seegert (Video)
Genesis and the Authority of Scripture, by Jay Seegert (Video)
Roger Oakland's Testimony as a Former Evolutionist (You Tube video)
The Great Creation Cover Up, by Roger Oakland (You Tube Video)
Let There Be Light, by Roger Oakland (Book)
A Matter of Faith (Movie trailer)
Evolution's Achilles' Heels (Movie trailer) - DVD - Blu-ray - MP4 - Book
Is Faith In God Rational? (This is one of my articles)
A Response to Former "Christians" (This is one of my articles)