God of Wonders
God of Wonders

The following You Tube video will play a presentation from a DVD titled God of Wonders. You can click that link to read about it or to order the DVD. You can order the DVD cheaper through this link.

In case this video ever gets removed from You Tube, I should let you know that this documentary is available as a $1.99 rental through Amazon's instant streaming service.

Cosmos, Creator And Human Destiny

God Created All Things

The Berean Call's Resources On Creation

Berean Call page on Science

More Resources on Creation - Eternal Productions

Another Page on Creation and Evolution - From The Lighthouse

Something from Nothing! And You Think We Have a Problem? By Carl Kerby (Video)

The Absolute BEST Evidence for Biblical Creation, by Carl Kerby (Video)

The Power of God’s Design, by Mark Cahill

Top 2016 News: Marvels of Human Design

Beetle Mouth-Gears Shout Design

Glow-in-the-Dark Platypuses Illuminate the Creator

Living Stones And Flying Flowers

Institute For Creation Research

The Starting Point Project

Creation Moments

Creation Ministries International

Miricles of Creation

Creation Witnessing, by T.A. McMahon

Why Everything Is The Way It Is, by Dave Hunt - Click here for a related video.

The Overlooked Absolute Proof for Everything, by Dave Hunt (Video)

Evolution vs. God (video) - Here is a related article and video.

A Question of Origins (Video)

A Question of Origins (Article)

The Mysteries of Origins Solved

Answers to Three Key Questions about Creation and Evolution, by Randy Guliuzza (Video)

Getting from Darwin to Engineered Biology, by Randy Guliuzza (Video)


Blood: Another Masterpiece of Design

Oldest Fossil Flower Bud and Branch Discovered

Do Earth's Rocks Look Old?

Why Do I Believe in Recent Creation?

Creation Versus Evolution: Things They Never Told You, by Maria Kneas

Creation vs Evolution: The Cases from Science, by Jay Seegert (Video)

Scientific Evidence for the Inspiration of the Bible, by Jay Seegert (Video)

This Changes All: Flood in the Book of Genesis, by Jay Seegert (Video)

Christianity, Logic and Science, by Jay Seegert (Video)

Genesis and the Authority of Scripture, by Jay Seegert (Video)

Creationism and It's Positive Influence on Science

Consistent About Creation

Jesus on the age of the earth

New Chip Genome Confirms Creationist Research

Stunning Chinese Fossils Support Creation

A Shocking Case for Creation

The Mysteries of Origins Solved

Surprising Facts About The Eye

A Fascinating Parasite

The Bible's Amazingly Accurate Account of the Flood

Genesis: Bible authors believed it to be history

There Is No Evidence For God - Debunked (You Tube Video)

Archeological and historical evidence of Biblical accuracy, by Andy and Berit Kjos

Does Archaeology Disprove the Bible? [Excerpts]

Does Archaeology Support the Bible?

Archaeological Verification

What Does Archaeology Say About the Bible?

Top 10 discoveries in Biblical Archaeology in 2012

Can archaeology help confirm the Bible?

Archaeological Finds: Seven Compelling Evidences

Ancient Tablets Confirm Biblical Account of Jewish Exile in Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon

Archaeologists Uncover Entrance Gate to Goliath's City

Discovery of King Hezekiah’s Seal Confirms God’s Word

Israel: Archaeologists Uncover Inscriptions in Jesus’ Language

The Lost City of Jesus' Apostles Has Just Been Found, Archaeologists Say

Sealing Biblical History: Archaeology and the Old Testament

Biblical Riot at Ephesus: The Archaeological Context

Evidence of Babylonian Conquest of Jerusalem Unearthed…Just as the Bible Describes

Archaeologists Uncover Pottery Bearing Gideon’s Name

Archaeologists find more evidence of Bible story about Moses leading his people to the Promised Land 3,200 years ago

T.A. McMahon and Randall Price Discussing Biblical Archaeology, Part 1 (Radio Show)

T.A. McMahon and Randall Price Discussing Biblical Archaeology, Part 2 (Radio Show)

World of The Bible Ministries (Randall Price's site)

More biblical archaeology links

The Reliability of Scripture: "That Which We Have Seen With Our Eyes"

Ken Ham: Science Confirms The Bible (You Tube Video)

‘Science Supports Genesis’: Geneticist Says Evidence Confirms Biblical Adam and Eve

New Evidence of Flood in Grand Canyon

Startling Proofs (Video) - Click here for the DVD.

Evidence Proving God, His Word, and Truth (Radio Interview With Frank Turek)

Scientific and Biblical Truth Converge for Gopher Wood

The Familiarity of New Testament Writers

Swarms in The Ocean

God of Wonders, by Rebecca St. James (Song on You Tube)

For The Beauty of The Earth, by Amy Shreve (Song on You Tube)

101 Scientific Facts & Foreknowledge

101 Last Days Prophecies

Seeking And Finding God, by Dave Hunt

God of Wonders Card (Winter and spring designs)