Resources on Johnathan Cahn</i>
Resources on Johnathan Cahn

Last updated on February 16, 2021

Please read this before checking out the links on this page. On this page you will find some helpful resources that I have gathered together pertaining to Johnathan Cahn. I want to make it clear that the purpose of this page is not to judge the motivation of Johnathan Cahn. Whether or not he means well, I hope that this page will lead people to be more discerning about his books. A radio host that I used to listen to named Jan Markell has told me that she does not need correction on Johnathan Cahn's book The Harbinger because of the fact that it's just a novel, but I find this to be a very strange response since she has rightly taken issue with other novels, like The Shack, Twilight and Harry Potter. She is now using the same "it's just a novel" response as those who have defended The Shack, even though she is aware of the problems with the Shack. One reason that I have started this page and other pages on this site is because I am grieved that even some people in "discernment" ministries are spending so much time defending their favorite teachers including (Johnathan Cahn) when they could be spending the same amount of time pointing people to God's word. After all, God's word is the final word. It grieves me to see Christians spend so much time defending their favorite teachers, because that does not leave a good witness. It just gives the enemies of God occasion to mock, because they see no ultimate authority in that case....just Christians debating over which teacher has the best opinions. The pride that many people take in certain teachers today brings to mind the words of 1 Corinthians 3:4-7. Whether or not you agree with anything on this page, I hope you will at least realize that the purpose of this page is not to hold up any of these teachers as our ultimate authority, but simply to point people to our ultimate authority, which is God's word. You do not have to agree with everything that I or any of these teachers say, and I am not trying to give the impression that Johnathan Cahn is wrong about everything that he has ever said. But I do hope that this page will encourage people to test his books with God's word rather than holding him up like he is the pope of evangelicalism.

September 14, 2017 Update: I have a copy of Jonathan Cahn's book titled "The Mystery of The Shemitah" sitting in front of me as I type this. On the very first page of the book, there is an endorsement by Sid Roth (who has been known to have false prophets on his show) which says "Rabbi Jonathan Cahn is a Jewish prophet who has been chosen to reveal end-time mysteries"....and this in spite of the fact that Cahn has actually denied being a prophet! Even if you believe that he is a prophet, don't you think it is a bit odd for Cahn to accept an endorsement labeling him as a prophet after he has denied that he is??? I am honestly not sure if some people are just not thinking this through, or if they simply don't care. I am not trying to mock anyone here, but I just hope people will think carefully and biblically about all of this.

The Harbinger: A Matter of Critical Discernment, by T.A. McMahon

A Critique of The Harbinger, by David James

A Critical Look At The Harbinger, by Thomas Ice

More Insights Into The Harbinger, by Jeremy James

The Harbinger, the Inverted Tree and Why Christians need to Discriminate very carefully between Prophecy and Speculation, by Jeremy James

The Harbinger: Revealing—or Concealing—America's "Ancient Mystery"? - Part 1, by Mark Dinsmore

The Harbinger: Revealing—or Concealing—America's "Ancient Mystery"? - Part 2, by Mark Dinsmore

The Harbinger: Fact or Fiction? By David James (Excerpts from a book with the same title)

The Isaiah 9:10 Effect
This is some more excerpts from the book The Harbinger: Fact or Fiction? By David James.

Kabbalah, Cahn, and Hebrew Mysticism
This is more excerpts from the book The Harbinger: Fact or Fiction? By David James. The next link below will lead you to the book.

The Harbinger: Fact or Fiction? By David James
This one is also available as an audio book that can be ordered on CD or MP3 disc.

David James & T.A. McMahon Discuss The Harbinger - Part 1 (Radio Show)

David James & T.A. McMahon Discuss The Harbinger - Part 2 (Radio Show)

The 2012 Berean Call Conference - T. A. McMahon and David James (CD)
This one has 3 presentations (including a Q&A session), but the presentation by David James is the only one that focuses mainly on The Harbinger.

The Berean Call's Resources on The Harbinger

Critique of The Harbinger, The Mystery of the Shemitah and the Blood Moons Tetrad theories, by Dave James (You Tube Video)

The Process of Biblical Discernment: Test Case - The Mystery of the Shemitah and the Blood Moons, by Dave James (You Tube Video)

A Response to “In Defense of a Prophetic Voice” by David Reagan (Article by David James)

THE MYSTERY OF THE SHEMITAH: Is it real? By David James

The Shemitah, by Dave James (Adapted from chapter 14 of his book The Harbinger: Fact or Fiction)

Dave James & T.A. McMahon Discuss The Mystery of the Shemitah - Part 1 (Radio Show)

Dave James & T.A. McMahon Discuss The Mystery of the Shemitah - Part 2 (Radio Show)

Is "The Shemitah" a Sham? Greg Sheryl & T.A. McMahon - Part 1 (Radio Show)

Is "The Shemitah" a Sham? Greg Sheryl & T.A. McMahon - Part 2 (Radio Show)

The Mystery of the Shemitah or no mystery at all (Interview With David James on You Tube)

Biblical Guide to the Shemitah and the Blood Moons, by David James (Book)

Demystifying the Popular Prophecies About Jewish Sabbaths and Blood Moons
This is a review of the above book.

When A False Teacher Calls America "Israel": A Review of The Mystery of the Shemitah by Jonathan Cahn (Article by Bob DeWaay)

FALSE REVIVAL COMING?—Part 1: Holy Laughter or Strong Delusion? By Warren Smith - Click here for a related article.
Most of these two articles are not about Johnathan Cahn, but I decided to post them on this page since he is mentioned in the articles.

Rabbi Cahn teams up with Father of “holy laughter”, by Amy Spreeman

Jonathan Cahn Partners With Arch Heretic Ken Copeland

A Shocking Lack of Discernment: Promoting the Heresies of Herbert W. Armstrong, by Ed Newby
This is not entirely related to Johnathan Cahn, but it mentions The Harbinger. Click here for an update on the situation.

The Serious Abuse of Prophecy, by T.A. McMahon And Dave James - Part 1 (Radio Show)

The Serious Abuse of Prophecy, by T.A. McMahon and Dave James - Part 2 (Radio Show)

Meet the “Harbinger Man”? By Amy Spreeman

Jonathan Cahn's new "Book of Mysteries" promises "keys" to unlock divine secrets - Amy Spreeman

The Book of Mysteries: Hidden Keys or Hype? By Amy Spreeman

Abusing Prophecy, by T.A. McMahon And Dave James - Part 1 (Radio Show)

Abusing Prophecy, by T.A. McMahon And Dave James - Part 2 (Radio Show)

Jonathan Cahn - a preview of The Oracle (Interview With David James)

Jonathan Cahn, The Oracle (Interview With David James)

Jonathan Cahn’s “The Harbinger 2: The Return” mythology

More on Kabbalah

The Demise of Biblical Dicernment, by T. A. McMahon

Prophecy Run Amok, by T.A. McMahon

Prophecy Run Amok 2: Fearmongering, by T.A. McMahon

The Importance of Hermeneutics - Interview With David James (MP3)

Prophecy in Crisis: Postmodern Prophetic Paradigm - Interview With David James (MP3)

Speculation and sensationalism: Prophecy teachers gone wild - Interview with David James (MP3)

Blessed Hope Prophecy Forum 2017 (Interview with David James - MP3)

The Rise of Apocalyptic Paganism in the Church

Discerning "Biblical" Discernment, by T.A. McMahon and Ed Newby - Part 1 (Radio Show)

Discerning "Biblical" Discernment, by T.A. McMahon and Ed Newby - Part 2 (Radio Show)

The Most Overlooked Sign of The Times (One of my articles)

The Fad Driven Christian Life

Hebrew Roots Movement

World Net Daily Exposed

Blood Moons Rising, by Mark Hitchcock (Book)

More Blood Moon Links

Controversy And a Simple Solution