Shadow Government
Shadow Government

The following You Tube video shows a documentary called Shadow Government: How the Global Elite Plan to Destroy Democracy and Your Freedom, by Grant R. Jeffrey. In case the video I posted below ever gets removed from You Tube, I should let you know that this documentary is available to rent through Amazon's video rental service.

Also check out Grant R. Jeffrey's DVD titled Final Warning. That one is an older documentary from 1995, but it is still very relevant. Grant Jeffrey also has a book called Shadow Government: How the Secret Global Elite Is Using Surveillance Against You.

For more info about the one world system and Bible prophecy in general, visit my page titled Bible Prophecy.

UK Government To Install Surveillance Cameras In Private Homes

Britain Ends All Privacy By Passing The ‘Snooper Charter’

UK Government Goes Full Orwellian, Building Biometric Database On Every Single Citizen

Nationwide Network of Spy Cameras Will Transform America Into An Orwellian Prison Camp

32 Privacy Destroying Technologies That Are Systematically Transforming America Into A Giant Prison

10 Examples Of How “Big Brother” Is Steadily Creeping Into Our Daily Lives

Now More Than Ever, Everybody’s a Target in the American Surveillance State

Prophecy Update: Surveillance Society, by Andy Woods (You Tube video)

Government Surveillance of Internet Traffic

FBI demands new powers to hack into computers and carry out surveillance

France accused of spying on its own people in Paris version of Prism

This Powerful Spy Software Is Being Abused By Governments Around The World

One Nation, under Surveillance, with Tyranny & Injustice for All

US Government BUSTED Tracking YOU On All Iphone & Android Devices Through SNEAKY Trick! (Video)

States Look To Rein in Government Surveillance

EU's highest court strikes down mass surveillance under the Data Retention Directive

In a cameras-everywhere culture, science fiction becomes reality

Every email and website to be stored

Data Mining: Big Corporations Are Gathering Every Shred Of Information About You That They Can And Selling It For Profit

Thousands Of Companies Have Been Handing Over Your Personal Data To The NSA

NSA spying through Angry Birds, Google Maps, leaked documents reportedly reveal

Researchers find 256 iOS apps that collect users’ personal info

Your smartphone may be tracking your every move

Internet of Things to be used as spy tool by governments: US intel chief

New online tool reveals how the global surveillance industry is watching you

Cheap Spy Tools Allow Nations To Monitor Everyone

Tor Developer Suspects NSA Interception of Amazon Purchase

NSA – Setting The Foundation For A Global Police State?

The U.S. Government’s Secret Plans to Spy for American Corporations

The Digital Surveillance Cage For 2030 (Video)

Windows 10 Technical Preview Captures Your Files, Keystrokes And Voice

Microsoft’s Windows 10 is a privacy nightmare - Here’s how to protect yourself

Microsoft renames Diagnostic Tracking Service to Connected User Experiences and Telemetry

If you're fine with Microsoft's approach to privacy in Windows 10, you're out of touch

Microsoft upgraded users to Windows 10 without their OK

Dangerous Windows 10 flaw lets hackers secretly run any app on your PC

Microsoft Made a Special Version of Windows 10 for China's Government

Microsoft Gave NSA Access To Encrypted Messages Including Skype, Says Snowden

Snowden: I couldn’t trust Microsoft so I used free software like Tor, Tails and Debian

Microsoft reverses course on Windows 10’s malware-style upgrade tactics

France: Windows 10 collects 'excessive personal data', issues Microsoft with formal warning

Microsoft responds to allegations that Windows 10 collects 'excessive personal data'

Microsoft's latest privacy policy says vendors listen to voice data (You Tube video)

Windows Will Now Record EVERYTHING You Do On Your Computer (Video)

Your Oculus Rift is sending a lot of information back to Facebook

VR Privacy Problem Is Real: Here’s What You Need To Know To Protect Yourself

Chrome Extensions Are Tracking You, Whether You Like it or Not

EFF complaint says Google broke privacy pledge by tracking students

Google's Android facing antitrust scrutiny

Google is tracking students as it sells more products to schools, privacy advocates warn

UC Berkeley students file lawsuit against Google alleging illegal scanning of emails

Largest Study of Online Tracking Proves Google Really Is Watching Us All

How to delete all of the illicit recordings Google has gathered from you over the past year

How to Get Google to Quit Tracking You

Google Allo should never be used, says Edward Snowden

How much info is Google getting from your phone? (You Tube video)

Google CONFESSES To What They Do With YOUR Tracking Location Data (You Tube video)

Google employees shared concerns over location tracking, Arizona lawsuit reveals

Smart Home Surveillance: Governments Tell Google's Nest To Hand Over Data 300 Times

Google Rolls Out “Orwellian Nightmare” Technology To Spy On You In YOUR HOME

Facebook wasn’t great at respecting privacy in the first place. It’s gotten much worse.

Survey Says: We Don’t Trust Google And Facebook

Facebook Admits it Reads Chats, Scans Pictures and Links Sent in Messenger App

“Want to Freak Yourself Out?” Tech Expert Reveals How Facebook and Google Are Spying on You – AND IT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND

ZUCK KNEW: Documents Reveal Facebook Was Informed App Could Sell Private User Data

Facebook now tracking and showing ads to people who don’t use Facebook

France Orders Facebook to Stop Tracking Non-Users or Face Fines

Police say YOU should avoid THIS Facebook feature

Facebook Using Deep Data Mining To Destroy Privacy

Facebook privacy lawsuit over facial recognition leads to $650M settlement

Facebook and the Coming New World Order, by Roger Oakland

Facebook Fraud, by Roger Oakland

Facebook claims it can collect user biometric data without consent

Biometrics and Big Brother, by Roger Oakland

Facebook sold user data to a Chinese company listed as a security risk (You Tube video)

TikTok Is A Threat to National Security

Shadow Government: Databanks Expose Global Evil and Corruption Says French Billionaire (Rumble Video)

Edward Snowden interview: 'Smartphones can be taken over'

Edward Snowden's New Revelations Are Truly Chilling

'Spying Billboards' Under Fire for Tapping Into People's Cellphones

How to stop your devices from eavesdropping on your conversations — even when you're not using them

Government Hackers Caught Using Unprecedented iPhone Spy Tool

How Spy Tech Firms Let Governments See Everything on a Smartphone

How to stop Android apps from becoming a privacy risk

Secrecy surrounds government surveillance programs

Government Monitored Purchases Tied to 'MAGA,' Religious Books, and Others for Extremism (Rumble video)

The Snowden Effect: Consumers Flee Big-name Search Engines over Surveillance Concerns

Poll: Third of Americans shield data from government

US company gives glimpse into future of government surveillance

Intelligence agencies pounce on Paris attacks to pursue spy agenda

Mass Surveillance Isn’t the Answer to Fighting Terrorism

Beware: Surveillance software police are using to score citizens' threat level

Proof That The Elite Really Do Want A Global Society With No Possessions, No Privacy And No Freedom

Two sitting US senators warn Americans that the CIA is spying on them once again

Start Page

Result Hunter

Rampant INjustice (You Tube Video)

Agenda Documentary - Part one and two.

The Coming Surveillance Society. Revelation 13:16-18, by Andy Woods (You Tube video)

Nordic countries point the way to cashless societies

Norway, Sweden and Denmark Say “No” To Cash

Governments of the World are Coming for Your Cash

The Pitfalls of Pushing For A Cashless Society

Why Implanted Microchips in Humans Could Go Mainstream Sooner than Later

Thousands of Swedes are getting microchip IDs inserted into their hands to swipe into homes, offices, concerts and even to access social media

Socialists & Coronavirus Fake Numbers to Collapse U.S., Defeat Trump, Push Digital Dollar & Control (You Tube Video)