Megiddo 1 and 2
Bible Prophecy

On this page you will find links that are related to Bible prophecy, including some which are related to the one-world spirituality. This page also has some links on the abuse of prophecy since that is also a sign of the times....

Megiddo: The March to Armageddon (Video)
Click here to find this one on DVD.

Megiddo 2: The New Age (Video)
Click here to find this one on DVD. You can find more info about the new age movement through this link.

Prophecy and World Events, by Dave Hunt (You Tube Video)

Amazing Prophecies From Scripture, by Dave Hunt (You Tube video)

Dave Hunt In Israel 1993 (You Tube Video)

Last Days Bible Prophecy: All Nations Against Israel, by Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon (Radio Show on You Tube)

Mike Oppenheimer lecture: The Last Days, Islam & Israel (You Tube Video) - Click here for the DVD.

Prophetic Proof of the Bible, by Dave Hunt - Excerpted from Seeking And Finding God

Khamenei: The Only Cure for Israel is its Annihilation

Iran’s Khamenei hails his people for demanding death to America and Israel

Iran publishes book on how to outwit US and destroy Israel

Israel must be annihilated, top Iranian official declares

Iran on Israel: ‘We Are Going to Destroy Them’

Israel and Prophetic Proof - Part 1, by Dave Hunt

Israel and Prophetic Proof - Part 2, by Dave Hunt

The Jews Must Return to Their Land

The Ongoing Fulfillment of God’s Promise to Israel! By Jeff Wallace

The Dust of Jerusalem and the Last Generation, by Tony Pearce

Egypts Prophesied Civil War, by Bill Randles

Sermon: Europe In Bible Prophecy (And the Role of Israel and the United States), by Bill Randles

Gog and Magog, by Rob Congdon (Video)

The Spiritual Motives Behind the Ukraine War, by Rob Congdon (Video)

Harold Camping's Prediction (This is one of my articles)

My Thoughts On Rapture Predictions (One of my articles)

Prophecy Run Amok, by T.A. McMahon

Prophecy Run Amok 2: Fearmongering, by T.A. McMahon

The Serious Abuse of Prophecy, by T.A. McMahon and Dave James - Part 1 (Radio Show)

The Serious Abuse of Prophecy, by T.A. McMahon and Dave James - Part 2 (Radio Show)

The Importance of Hermeneutics - Interview With David James (MP3)

Prophecy in Crisis: Postmodern Prophetic Paradigm - Interview With David James (MP3)

Speculation and sensationalism: Prophecy teachers gone wild - Interview with David James (MP3)

Blood Moon Links

Special Message from Don Perkins “Abuse in Bible Prophecy in the Last Days” (You Tube video)

Abusing Prophecy, by T.A. McMahon And Dave James - Part 1 (Radio Show)

Abusing Prophecy, by T.A. McMahon And Dave James - Part 2 (Radio Show)

Do celestial events relate to biblical prophecy? (You Tube interview with Marcia Montenegro) - Click here for her testimony.

The Most Overlooked Sign of The Times (One of my articles)

Signs of The Times (Playlist on You Tube)

101 Last Days Prophecies

Don Venoit: Paul's Last Words to the Last Days on Deception (Video)

Prophecy as Proof, by Dave Hunt (Order on CD or MP3 disc)

Nordic countries point the way to cashless societies

Norway, Sweden and Denmark Say “No” To Cash

Why Implanted Microchips in Humans Could Go Mainstream Sooner than Later

Thousands of Swedes are getting microchip IDs inserted into their hands to swipe into homes, offices, concerts and even to access social media

Alarm Bells: Are UK Employees Ready For Microchips?

Understanding The Jesuit Agenda and the Evangelical/Protestant Church

Jesuit Pope Francis, by Roger Oakland (You Tube video)

Jesuit Pope Francis, Pastor Rick Warren And The Coming One-World Religion for Peace, by Roger Oakland - Click here for the audio version on You Tube.

Pope Francis and the Future of Charismatic Christianity

Is Pope Francis Laying The Groundwork For A One World Religion? By Michael Snyder

Pope Francis and the Emerging One World Order, Michael Snyder

The Catholic Church’s Role in the Coming One-World Global Religion, by Roger Oakland
This is an excerpt from his book titled Let There Be Light.

One World Religion: Former Israeli President Proposes Pope to Head ‘UN for Religions’

Vatican calls for ‘central World Bank’ and ‘global authority’

A Women Rides The Beast: The Roman Catholic Church And The Last Days, by Dave Hunt

Messages From Heaven (Documentary on You Tube)
Click here for the DVD.

Queen Of All: The Marian Apparitions plan to unite all religions Under the Roman Catholic Church (Book)
Click here for a PDF file that will let you read this online for free.

Why millions of Muslims are seeing apparitions of the Mother Mary

Israel, Islam and Armageddon, by Dave Hunt.

Judgment Day Approaching, by Dave Hunt

Judgment Day Radio Series

Judgment Day! Islam, Israel And The Nations, by Dave Hunt (Audio book on You Tube)

False Peace, Then Destruction, by Dave Hunt

At UN Summit, World Rulers Adopt Agenda for Global Socialism

The Spiritual Side of Radical Liberalism (Podcast interview with Gary Kah)
I try not to get overly political on this site, but sometimes political events are prophetically significant.

A Cup of Trembling, by Dave Hunt - Click here for the book.


Israel—A Burdensome Stone to the Nations and the Apple of God’s Eye, by Mike Oppenheimer

Jerusalem - The Capital of Israel, by Roger Oakland

The Necessity of Understanding Biblical Eschatology Part 1, by T.A. McMahon (You Tube video)

The Necessity of Understanding Biblical Eschatology Part 2, by T.A. McMahon (You Tube video)

The World And The Church: Where Are They Headed? - Part One, by T.A. McMahon

The World and The Church: Where Are They Headed? - Part Two, by T.A. McMahon

The World and The Church: Where Are They Headed? - Part Three, by T.A. McMahon

Does the U.N Plan to Rule the World? (You Tube video)

Pre-tribulation Rapture Playlist on You Tube

When Will Jesus Come? By Dave Hunt

Pre- or Post-Trib Rapture? by Dave Hunt

The Rapture: How Close Do You Want It To Be? By Dave Hunt (Video)

Pre-Trib Perspectives - Tommy Ice

Pre-Trib Research Center

Left Behind or Led Astray? - Exposed, by Paul Wilkinson (PDF) - Click here for a related link.

Defending The Pre-Trib Rapture, by Todd Strandberg

Tommy Ice on Search The Scriptures 24/7, Part 1 (Radio Show)
This one is a discussion of the rapture doctrine.

Tommy Ice on Search The Scriptures 24/7, Part 2 (Radio Show)
This is another discussion of the rapture doctrine.

Is the pre-Tribulational Rapture biblical? With Thomas Ice (Radio Show)

Is the church ill equipped to handle the Tribulation? With Thomas Ice (Radio Show)

Knowing the End from the Beginning, with Thomas Ice - Part 1 (Radio Show)

Knowing the End from the Beginning, with Thomas Ice - Part 2 (Radio Show)

The Expectation of His Return, by H.A. Ironside

The Pre-tribulation Rapture (This is one of my articles)

Seven Strong Arguments for a Pre-Trib Rapture, by Lee Brainard (Video)

What Does "Antichrist" Mean? By Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon (Radio Broadcast on You Tube)

Christ and Antichrist, by Dave Hunt

The Rise of the Antichrist upon the World Stage - Part 1 (You Tube video)

Rise of the Antichrist on the World Stage - Part 2 (You Tube video)

Anti-Christianity Ascending - Part 1, by T.A. Mcmahon

Anti-Christianity Ascending - Part 2, by T.A. Mcmahon

The Ultimate Falsehood, by Dave Hunt

Dave Hunt: The Second Coming of Christ (Video)

Countdown To The Second Coming, by Dave Hunt

Global Peace And The Rise of Antichrist, by Dave Hunt
You can click here to read the first chapter of this book, and you can click here to read chapter 12. This one is also available as an audio book on CD and MP3 disc.

False Christ Coming - Does Anybody Care? By Warren Smith (Book) - Click here for an excerpt.

Alice Bailey & Revelation 18 Predicted World Government Religious Leaders Are Helping Build - Brannon Howse (You Tube Video)

Do You Have a Love For The Truth? (This is one of my articles)

Strong Delusion (This is one of my articles)

The Signs And Wonders Movement Exposed

Resourses On The Emerging Church

Psychology In Prophecy, by T. A. McMahon

These Difficult Last Days (Playlist on You Tube)

Occult Invasion, by Dave Hunt

Evangelical Mysticism? By T. A. McMahon

Mysticism and the Coming World Religion — Part One, by T.A. McMahon

Mysticism and the Coming World Religion – Part Two, by T.A. McMahon

Mysticism and the Coming World Religion - Part Three, by T.A. McMahon

Warren B Smith - Preparing the World and the Church for a New World Religion (You Tube Video)

2016 Great Lakes Prophecy Conference

2021 Great Lakes Prophecy Conference

2024 Great Lakes Prophecy Conference

Vice President Joe Biden calls for a 'new world order'

Biden challenges graduating AF Academy cadets to create ‘new world order’

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganň: Deep State is Working With “Deep Church” to Transform Catholic Church into Spiritual Arm of New World Order

Bill Gates: ‘We Need Global Government,’ Is The Richest Man In The World Calling For A New World Order? - Click here for an interesting update on Bill Gates.

Bill Gates Says Life Would Be Better With A World Government - Click here for an interesting update on Bill Gates.

Facebook and the Coming New World Order, by Roger Oakland

Kjos Ministries
This site has many articles pertaining to the coming new world order which was foretold in the Bible.

Final Warning, by Grant R. Jeffrey (DVD)

Startling Proofs (You Tube Video) - Click here for the DVD.
The speakers in this one are Peter Lalonde, Dave Hunt, Chuck Missler, Dave Breese, Paul Lalonde.

Shadow Government: How the Global Elite Plan to Destroy Democracy and Your Freedom, by Grant R. Jeffrey (DVD)
You can click the above link to find this one on You Tube, and to find a link to the DVD.

EU leaders agree to one banking overseer

EU: Setting the Stage for the Final Act? Part 1 (You Tube Video)

Conforming The Church To The New World Order, by Berit Kjos
This article is from 2000, but it's more relevant than ever now.

UK Government To Install Surveillance Cameras In Private Homes

Nationwide Network of Spy Cameras Will Transform America Into An Orwellian Prison Camp

32 Privacy Destroying Technologies That Are Systematically Transforming America Into A Giant Prison

10 Examples Of How “Big Brother” Is Steadily Creeping Into Our Daily Lives

Now More Than Ever, Everybody’s a Target in the American Surveillance State

Government Surveillance Of American Citizens Goes Far Beyond What You Are Being Told, by Michael Synder

27 Edward Snowden Quotes About U.S. Government Spying That Should Send A Chill Up Your Spine, by Michael Synder

France accused of spying on its own people in Paris version of Prism

This Powerful Spy Software Is Being Abused By Governments Around The World

One Nation, under Surveillance, with Tyranny & Injustice for All, by Douglas J. Hagmann

States Look To Rein in Government Surveillance

Every email and website to be stored

Data Mining: Big Corporations Are Gathering Every Shred Of Information About You That They Can And Selling It For Profit

Thousands Of Companies Have Been Handing Over Your Personal Data To The NSA, by Michael Synder

The Bible and current events, by Roger Oakland (You Tube video)

Agenda 21 & the UN "World Congress" (Rio+20)

The Coming Global Transformation (MP3 Disc)
You can click here to get it on CD instead of an MP3 disc. This audio presentation is a drama based on actual recent news events and the fulfillment of last days Bible prophecy. You can click here for some previews of it.

Hostile Sentiment Toward 'End-Time' Believing Christians Increasing

Global War on Christian Values Part 1 - Unity in an Anti-Christian World? By Berit Kjos

Global War on Christian Values Part 2 -Social Justice and the New Morality, by Berit Kjos

Global War on Christian Values Part 3 - Media-made "Foes" and Deceptive "Friends", by Berit Kjos

Walnuts, Milk and Global Tyranny: Squeezing America into the New World Order, by Berit Kjos

A Chronology of the UN: The Revolutionary Steps to Global Tyranny

Uniting Religions for World Change: The G8 World Religions Summit, by Carl Teichrib

Anticipating Agenda 21: Framework for Global Governance, by Carl Teichrib

Are You a Good Global Citizen? Promoting One World, by Carl Teichrib (Video)

Cult of the World Order, by Carl Teichrib (Video)

Interfaithism: Uniting Religions for One World, by Carl Teichrib (Video)

Forcing Change
This is Carl Teichrib's website.

Globalists Unveil Socialist-backed New World Tax Regime

Unwittingly Proving The Bible to be True (This is one of my articles)

The Coming New World Religion, by Dave Hunt

AN OFFICIAL WORLD RELIGION? By Dave Hunt - Click here for a related video.

Archive on the global spirituality - Lighthouse Trails Research Project

Archive on the one-world religion - Lighthouse Trails Research Project

The Berean Call's Resources on Prophecy

The Berean Call's Resources on The End Times